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The Community Art Center

website redesign

Year: 2023 

Role: UI/ UX Designer 

Tools: Figma, Miro, Wix

The Community Art Center, Inc. (CAC), is a non-profit organization that provides arts programs to K-12 age participants after school year round "engaging community of youth whose powerful voices transform their lives, their neighborhood, and their worlds." 

The Challenge

As an organization with an impressive 86-year history and a diverse range of programs, the Community Art Center website holds a wealth of information.  Despite the website's rich content, it was not attracting sufficient traffic or effectively utilizing its calls to action to engage specific user types.  

The Impact

The enhanced website significantly boosts awareness of the organization and its profound impact on the community.  By attracting a larger number of visitors, the website effectively cultivates potential donors and fosters valuable partnerships within the community. 

Target User

The Community Art Center has multiple users including parents, youth, and members of the board, 
but we started by prioritizing funders, donors, and volunteers
who exclusively rely
on the website for credibility and transparency of the center's work, goals, strategies, initiatives, and opportunities to get involved.  These users don't often have a direct link or relationship with the center like the youth, parents, or board members.

Our Goals

Redesign the home page and donation page 
to make them more appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly, encouraging
visitors to engage and contribute.


Restructure the overall website IA
to organize and ensure that visitors can easily find the desired information, impro
ving their browsing experience and reducing confusion.

Rethink and recommend improvements to the style guide
to enhance its branding and visual appeal as it aligns with the center's mission, goals, creating a consistent and engaging visual identity across the website.

The Design Process

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Generative User Testing

To achieve the set goals, I initiated the design process by conducting user testing on the current website. I involved a group of board members and external individuals to gather their insights and identify significant issues. Their primary task was to explore various donation methods available on the site while also highlighting any potential obstacles that impacted their user experience.

Heuristic Analysis

Also, conducted a thorough heuristic analysis of the homepage, and donate page to identify potential issues with content layout, navigation, and visual consistency. 

Home Page

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Donate Option Page

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Sponsors and Supporters Page

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Based on the heuristic evaluation and generative usability tests, I identified 
 pain points and opportunities to help improve the website.

Pain Points


Cognative Overload

Prioritize key information so users can find what they are looking for based on the user's goals and needs. 


Inconsistent Layout Design

Establish a comprehensive style guide that reflects the organization's identity and redesign the landing page to  captivate the user.


Poor Navigate

Organize and restructure the navigation, for the user to have a more seamless, easy, and efficient experience.

Site Map

I created a site map to help me visually organize and structure the website's content and pages.  In a few cases, I re-organized the pages to avoid confusion in navigation.  This hierarchy of information provided a clear overview and informed the design of individual pages and overall user experience. 

CAC Website - Frame 3.jpg



To begin our creative process, we begin by sketching out multiple versions of the home page re-design as a way to explore the prioritization of information and establish an effective visual layout.  This allowed us to engage in a discussion of how information could be presented in an engaging and intuitive manner.  

CAC Website - Frame 2 (1).jpg

Before & After: Home Page


Used spatial composition to organize  the banner and enhance the user experience for readability and clarity.  Also added the new logo. 
Optimized the menu bar to reorganize and consolidate website pages by grouping related content, decreasing them to four topics, so user can fin
d what they are looking for efficiently. 

Added a slow-motion video to captivate the users and create an immersive experience, making the homepage visually appealing and compelling.  

Reduced the copy to make the home page scannable, helping users to find relevant information at a glance.



Before & After: Donation Page 



  • Embedded forms so that the users can seamless interact with the form without being taken away to a separate page.


  • Created a unified support hub by centralizing all the ways to support on one page for a comprehensive and inclusive experience for all users.



Created a clear and intuitive navigation structure that guides the users to their desired information and calls to action.

Made it easy and simple to explore volunteer and donation opportunities. 


Streamlined the layout to simplify the homepage to provide a clean and organized design, prioritizing essential information and highlighting key elements such as the organization's mission, impact, and calls to action.

Established the brand identity by improving the overall visual design aligned with the history, mission, and impact of the art center on the community. 

A & B Testing in progress

Next Steps

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